Sunday, October 29, 2006

Underground Accuracy Report

I see the underground site is trashing channel 12 again.
They say:

“….is it just me or is the media around here just a bunch of fat, lazy crybabies? I am tired of seeing the same stories over and over and over. KBMT TV12's web site has not been updated in days.”

I have been on elections, so I thought perhaps, the rest of the crew was not doing the upkeep on the web page.

I checked, but it seems we uploaded 4 stories the evening before the underground posted this little ditty.

I guess one of two things are true…1) the person hiding behind the underground is lying or 2) the person hiding behind the underground does not know what a refresh button is on a browser.

I tried to post a response, but his/her page must be down because it is not allowing responses, so I guess I'll leave this on my blog.