Saturday, January 27, 2007

Love That Jefferson County...

Looks like the district attorney’s office is going through the hundred’s of files recovered from the hard drive of the former county judge.

The local media (TV and Newspaper) has let the issue sink for a while.
Here are the arguments as I see them.

The new county judge Ron Walker says the former county judge Carl Griffith erased official county documents when he had hard drives wiped clean.

The former county judge (Griffith) says he had the computer hard drives cleaned out so the machines would run properly for the new county judge and the new staff.

…So the M.I.S. department recovers all erased documents off of the hard drives and brings that material to the district attorney’s office.

Here are the questions everyone is dancing around

1) How will the district attorney’s office determine which of the files recovered are “official” copies?

2) If the judge writes a letter on his computer and prints it out, is the digital copy on the computer hard drive the official copy or is the printout the official copy?

3) Is the new county judge concerned about actual missing documents,…. going on witch hunt …..or paying the price for cleaning out the old staff that knew where everything is? This question is not a loaded question…a charge against Judge Walker….this is a real question. What is going on?

4) If the files recovered are only “probably” the only copy, is that enough evidence to pursue charges against Judge Griffith?

5) If the former judge erased the files maliciously, will he get a deal like the former purchasing agent to avoid criminal charges?

6) If it turns out that judge Walker is pursuing sour grapes and trying to find some way to “get” the former judge, can he be charged with a crime?

I think everyone is afraid to ask these questions because they feel to do so will make it appear that they are taking sides on the issue.

Now, let’s get to a question that would affect a lot of people.

Is all of the legal mumbo-jumbo in Washington going on right now, going to kill the tax incentives that started all of this in the first place?

The Democrats say they want to kill certain tax breaks for big business so they can give that cash to the little man (sic.)

The Republicans say their actions could kill some or all of the plant expansion planned for our area?

Let’s see who is not afraid to ruffle some feathers and get into the real issues.