Thursday, February 01, 2007

Smoke Signals from a Non Smoker

This week brought word from Austin that some lawmakers are hoping to begin legislation that would bring about a statewide ban on smoking in public places.

I have had a lot of conversations about this with co-workers and friends.

After hearing response after response from people telling me that this is a good thing, I’m left with the feeling that I am one of the few… if not the only… non-smoker who things the state needs to mind its own business.

Here are a few of the arguments I have heard repeated numerous times, almost as if there are some pro-smoking-ban talking points going around.

1) Second hand smoke is bad for those around you.

My response?

If you are worried about 2nd hand smoke, don’t go where people are smoking. The smoking bans for most cities, and now the proposed ban for the state, would include bars and other places you would expect to have smoking.

2) Employees are subjected to the 2nd hand smoke.

O.K., this one is pretty lame.

I have worked in so many shops with all sorts of crap in the air.

Trinity Industries had us where respirators (the cheap masks)

Why should a bar be any different?

If a waitress doesn’t want to breathe the fumes, give her a mask.

If she thinks it is embarrassing to wear a mask, tough!

It’s the employer’s job to make her job safe.

If she wants to be safe, she will wear the mask.

3) Business will go up if you get rid of the cigarettes.
So what?

The state isn’t the one investing in the business.

It’s the business owner’s ass on the line so let him/her make the decision.

There are some other arguments that come up, but these seem to be the top responses.

What’s coming next?

How about a ban on alcohol sales in bars because so many people are killed by drunk drivers.

Next, let’s ban guys talking with girls.

We all know the harm caused by sexually transmitted disease.

Now that I think about it…. Let’s get rid of those small trays of salted nuts.

Every doctor knows that too much sodium is bad for you.

So, now we’re all happy because all of the bars do not have smoking, beer or babes.

Sound ridiculous?

A few years ago I would have told you that it would be impossible for anyone to outlaw smoking in a bar.

Let me go out on a limb here.

I predict that sometime in the next five years, if not sooner, there will be laws passed that outlaw junk food.

They are already chipping away in some major cities, outlawing trans fats in cooking oil.

Next will come a calorie limit or a sodium limit or some other aspect of fast food that makes it worth while.

I guess I should blame my worldview on my childhood.

I grew up with Tom and Jerry smoking cigars and Fred Flintstone selling Winston cigarettes.

Why not, the thing to do is to blame someone else or something for everything these days.

I guess that's a different subject for a different day.