Wednesday, February 14, 2007

America 101

The political momentum is building like a rollercoaster just topping a hill…. And as we get ready to speed down the other side …everyone closes their eyes and begins screaming.

But unlike a roller coaster, they’re closing their eyes not to hide from a scary ride, but to hide from anything that may show their candidate could possibly be wrong.

They are screaming not because they’re having fun, but because they want to drown out logic with a political slogan.

My Republican friends cannot bring themselves to say anything wrong about our presence in Iraq.

My Democrat friends cannot bring themselves to admit that any good can come out of our presence in Iraq.

Since this has been dubbed the top political issue, everyone is putting their heads in the sand and chanting political slogans to themselves.

I find it amazing listening to Democrats defend Hillary’s decision to vote for going into Iraq and Condemn all Republicans who voted for the exact same thing.

Just this week I debated a Republican who slammed Clinton for pushing through NAFTA, but defended Bush the elder for getting the whole thing started.

Come on, when is someone going to talk about an issue for the face value of the issue?

Last week while talking with a coworker I made the mistake of saying America is not a Democracy.

My coworker called me a “Republican communist.”

I’m not even sure what a Republican communist is.

Look, we are a democratic-republic.

If we were a pure democracy, then anything goes as long as the majority approves.

That would mean NO CIVIL RIGHTS.

If the majority wants to bring back Jim Crow laws, that would be OK under a democracy.

But we are ruled by laws and have a constitution.

We have restrictions on what the majority can do or cannot do.

The downside is the way the majority of us choose our leaders.

We get our view of politics from some bubble-headed starlet in her 20’s who thinks she is qualified to lecture the country on world events simply because she can shake her ass while she sings a pop tune.

We vote on leaders because they look good on camera.

We condemn our president not because of his policy, but because he mispronounces “nuclear” like Bush or cannot keep his pants on like Clinton (Bill not Hilary.)

We want media leaders.

I’ve seen photos of past presidents who were down-right goofy looking.

Would someone like Taft be able to get elected today? Hell no!

Not because of his politics, not because of his policy, but because he “ain’t gonna win any beauty contest!”

Back when the elder Bush lost his election, everyone was saying “read my lips, no new taxes.”

This was the line I heard over and over in street political discussion.

Funny thing is, when I asked people to identify what Bush was talking about, I found extremely few who actually knew.

They would usually say, “Bush raised those taxes.”

I would respond, “What taxes?”

The answer would be, you know, the ones everyone is talking about…. the ones Jay Leno made fun of….etc.

Heaven forbid I bring up the fact that congress…then a Democrat congress… raises and lowers taxes.

When I did that, I was accused of being a Republican, same way I would get accused of being a

Democrat if I condemned our deplorable policies toward the environment.
Welcome to America!

Home of slogans, intimidation and an almost total ban on real issues in the realm of public debate.