Sunday, November 12, 2006

Fireman Pay, A Burning Issue

How much is a life worth?

How much is it worth to have top-notch life savers?

It seems everyone in the Beaumont news community is coming out against the firefighters and their rather large pay increase.


Look at all the stuff we spend money on without a care… and when it comes to giving more money to the people who put their lives on the line, we complain.

Both Cops and Firemen deserve to be paid… and paid well!

I find it hard to believe Beaumont cannot achieve this without raising taxes.

Does Beaumont really need as many parks it supports?

Does Beaumont really need to give raises to the city manager and the city attorney?

Does Beaumont really need a new city hall? (I believe it’s in the works)

Sure, it would be nice, but does Beaumont NEED it?

I’m not saying the city manager is doing a bad job; on the contrary, he’s doing a great job.

He is already getting paid very very well for doing a great job.

I admit I’m not an accountant; I don’t have access to the books.

I do have a lifetime worth of experiences that tell me - call it a gut feeling - that there are places the city could cut budget … if needed… to give the firemen their pay increase.

We have billions of dollars worth of expansions going on all over the county… and in the city.

This has got to mean an increase in income - tax dollars - to the city.

Perhaps the city leaders are being a bit too conservative on this one.