Saturday, November 11, 2006

Southeast Texas Billboards

It amazes me how so many people in this area spend thousands of dollars on billboards to get their message out, but do it soooo wrong.

Here’s an example: (not the photo, it's not from around here)

On I-10 West, just outside of Beaumont, the union has a billboard trashing Gerdau Ameristeel for the company’s anti-labor practices.

The message is probably right, but I’m afraid they wasted their money on the billboard because of what it says.

There is a large picture of a crocodile and big font letters that say What a Croc.
I asked a few folks about the billboard and if they ever saw it.

Most said no until I said it’s the one with the Crocodile that says “What a Croc”

All three said they thought it was an advertisement for Gator Country!

The problem is, a billboard message MUST BE SHORT AND TO THE POINT.

Sadly, about half of the billboards in our area have this problem.

Even some owned by Clear Channel are poorly designed.

I would expect someone in the communications business to be able to communicate.. Especially a giant like Clear Channel.

There is one billboard for Big Dog radio that you have to really look at and read to get the idea it’s for a radio station and not a kennel.

My guess is that the billboard companies in this area are afraid of loosing business by telling their clients what they NEED rather than just selling them what every they want to buy.