Sunday, November 26, 2006

Holiday News

This Monday Jefferson County will hold its "Annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree"

Later in the day commissioners will begin their weekly session with a word of prayer.

I'm glad they still call it a Christmas tree... and they still let commissioners pray.

Just a few miles from the courthouse our children at school will talk about a "holiday" celebration... and as for starting anything with prayer... well... don't ask... don't tell.. someone might get offended.

Will the grinch steal more of Christmas this year?

(Well, we kind of stole the holiday from the Druids, but that's another story for another day)

Every year the left wing extremists equate freedom OF religion to that of freedom FROM religion.

Let’s see.... the same constitution that gives us freedom of religion gives us freedom of the press.

Does this mean freedom FROM the press as well?

Let’s say for the sake of argument "The Examiner" offends me.

Should I be able to ban it from the public school grounds?

(No offense to The Examiner, just using it as an example)

No, this interpretation would do exactly the opposite of what the amendment is designed to do, protect the press.

So why does the left accept the freedom FROM religion argument so easy?

Well, because it serves their purpose.

Kids should be taught about Christianity because it affects them.

Kids should be taught about Islam because it affects them (especially today with radical Muslims doing their crap!)

Let’s see if any stories pop up this year.

There will be those on the national wire, but what about Southeast Texas.

Will the "Journalists" of the region be neutral or will they "out" themselves as left or right by
the words they choose.